Attendance and Absence

Outwood Post 16 Centre Newbold is committed to maximising educational opportunities and achievement for all students. For students to gain the best from their time at Outwood Post 16 Centre Newbold, it is vital that they achieve excellent attendance and punctuality. We strive for 100% attendance for all students and recognise that promoting good attendance and punctuality prepares students for the disciplines of working life.

Post 16 Absence Procedure

  • Student to telephone the Post 16 Learning Manager telephone number 01246 230 550 option 1 on the morning of absence, before 8:00am There is an answer machine service available.
  • If a reason for absence is not confirmed by 8:00am, the Post 16 Learning Manager will contact students and/or parents/carers to clarify the situation.
  • Students will need to collect missed work from subject staff on the day they return and attend catch up to ensure their learning does not suffer.

Student taken ill whilst attending

  • Student goes to the Post 16 Learning Manager who will contact home if they judge the student to be too ill to go home unaccompanied
  • No student should leave without first informing a member of staff.

Authorised Absence

  • Any medical appointments - evidence where possible is required (try not to book medical appointments during lesson time)
  • Illness - up to 3 absences authorised before medical evidence is needed
  • Driving tests - an appointment card/letter is required
  • University open days
  • Interviews at universities and/or for employment - evidence required
  • Religious festivals - at the discretion of the Mr Mitchell (maximum of 4 days).
  • Moving house - evidence required (maximum of 1 day)
  • Taken ill whilst attending - go see your Learning Manager
  • Family bereavement

Unauthorised Absence

  • Holidays in term time
  • Christmas shopping
  • Driving lessons (impact upon lesson time or registration)
  • Absence caused by fatigue due to holidays
  • Absence as a result of food/alcohol indulgence
  • Missing the bus or getting up late

If a student's attendance is below 85% by Easter then we reserve the right to withdraw them from their examinations.