The Elephant Group (TEG)

Top 3rd for the Top 3rd

Elephant Access is our widening participation programme for Post 16 students, which brings together regional hubs of schools and elite universities to improve aspiration, attainment and applications.

What is this programme?

As part of the programme, TEG uses their collective knowledge and expertise to offer a high-quality, data-driven and flexible programme to ensure that our target students access the most selective universities. Elephant Access provides a ‘minimum entitlement’ of 16 activities and experiences for students, delivering many at central and regional level, and providing resources, guidance and content to support Post 16 centres with in-house delivery where most appropriate.

Activities students can engage in

There are a wide range of activities including day conferences, a residential summer school in Year 12, course application guidance, preparation for university admissions tests, trips and other experiences to broaden students’ horizons. There will be invitations to talk with alumni, guidance on writing a personal statement and professional work experience.

Why TEG?

TEG operates collaboratively by bringing together head teachers, heads of Post 16 centres and university access leads across Post 16 centres on a regular basis to share expertise, contacts, and professional expertise with peers, and those in the university and third sectors. Currently working in opportunity areas across the country, we are always looking to expand to areas of the UK that have historically low levels of university participation to deliver our mission of “Top 3rd for the Top 3rd”

Since September 2019, Outwood Academy Newbold have selected students with the academic potential and aspirations to attend leading universities and access top professions such as law, medicine, business, engineering or teaching. It is well known that graduates, on average, earn £10k per year more than non-graduates, and those attending the most selective universities earn 40% more. However, at present only 19% of non-selective state school students access these top universities and courses.

Which universities do TEG work collaboratively with?

The Elephant Group works closely with:

  • Oxbridge
  • King's College London
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of York
  • SOAS University of London
  • Newcastle University
  • St George's University of London

“We have high expectations of all our students and Elephant Access will be a fantastic opportunity for post 16 students considering their options to find out more about going to university and how to make competitive applications. In partnership with their teachers, students will access the information and support they need to make informed choices about where and what to study. We are also really excited that our students can experience university-style teaching, learn more about student finance and campus life from tours and visits, and speak directly to those from similar backgrounds that are already attending top universities”

Mr Mitchell

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